NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — For many of us, celebrating on Christmas Day means time spent with loved ones but for one family, a shooting took away that joy.
Now Stephanie Spaunhorst sits on the bench at Ridgetop Park like she's done many times before, describing her permanent love and the young souls she lives for.
Listing off her children's five names, she knows bullet holes left wounds even bigger than the one that killed her husband, Chris.
"His truck was hit nine or 10 times. He was hit multiple times but one is what killed him," said Stephanie.
Two years after Chris dropped his mom off in Smyrna on Christmas Day and headed home to the love of his life, Stephanie watched her sons grow up without their dad.
"He just never made it home," said Stephanie. "My kids lost their daddy. My 11-year-old struggles so bad."
Stephanie waited but her husband's dark blue Ford truck never made it past the Titans Stadium on Interstate 24.
"We were supposed to hangout and have a date, and he was going to play video games with his best friends that night and just hang around the house and spend time together," said Stephanie.
When someone turned in dash camera video to police, she says a black Kia sedan appeared to merge in the lane where Chris drove.
"Chris didn't know. He never changed positions. He never changed speeds," said Stephanie.
Someone still walks freely for killing her husband.
"I feel like everyone has forgotten but us," said Stephanie.
The case lays cold with more questions than answers.
"Come forward. If you are scared, don't be scared come forward," said Stephanie. "If it was your family and you were going through this and you had to explain to little kids why their daddy wasn't here."
Metro Police said there is a $23,000 dollar reward for information leading to an arrest and another $5,000 Crime Stoppers reward.
If you know anything 615-74-CRIME.