

Dangerous heat returns on Wednesday


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — After a day with below average temperatures and low humidity, things are about to change as we head towards Independence Day!

Humidity and temperatures are climbing today, and by tomorrow heat indices (what it feels like) across the NewsChannel 5 coverage area are expected to climb between 105-110 degrees, with actual air temperatures in the upper 90s.

Because of this much of the area will be under a Heat Advisory Wednesday from 1pm-7pm.

With many 4th of July activities planned outdoors the next several days it is very important to remain hydrated, take freaking breaks from outdoors, and listen to your body when out in the heat as to avoid heat related illnesses.

Nashville pet foster groups deal with overcrowding

It’s a sad reality that area animal shelters and non-profit rescue organizations face constant overcrowding -- with so many dogs, cats and other animals waiting for a forever home. Jason Lamb reports here that Metro leaders are working with those groups – including Critter Cavalry – to find solutions. I’ve fostered a dog from Critter Cavalry, so I understand the need is great. And I found my pup Domino through another local group, Proverbs Animal Rescue. Ultimately, it starts with all of us. Getting more dogs and cats spayed or neutered can help control the pet population – and ease the burden.

-Rhori Johnston