Talk Of The Town


Cedar Plank Salmon Recipe from Zilla's Pit BBQ

Posted 4:37 PM, Jun 28, 2022
and last updated 7:22 PM, Jun 29, 2022

Terrance Nicholson from Zilla’s Pit BBQ made Cedar Plank Salmon. (see recipe below) Follow him on Instagram @zillas_pit_bbq, on Facebook and online here: For more information on Kingsford's efforts to preserve the culture of Black barbecue by investing in aspiring pitmasters through the Preserve The Pit Fellowship, visit

Cedar Plank Salmon

Start with a whole filet of Salmon.

Presoak the cedar plank for 30 to 45 mins in warm water.

Preheat the Grill or smoker to 250 degrees

Rinse the salmon under cold water to wash off any debris.

Pat dry with a paper towel.

You have an option to either leave the salmon intact that will extend the cook time or cut the filet into 4inch steaks.

Brush the salmon with extra virgin olive oil as a seasoning binder.

We like to season our salmon with our Million Dollar Rub.

Lightly coat the salmon with seasoning and place onto the cedar plank leaving 1/4 spacing if you choose to steak the filet.

Your cook time my vary depending on cooking apparatus.

Max cook time should be between 1hr to 1 1/2 hrs. Depending on the size of the filet and steaked vs. whole filet.

Use a meat thermometer to check the temp after the first 30 mins.

The temp of the salmon should be 145 degrees internal temp before pulling off the cooker.

Allow 10 to 15 mins for the temp to cool before placing a sauce glaze over the salmon to create another layer of flavor.

Return the salmon to the cooker for 5 to 10 mins and reduce the temperature to 200 degrees or lower to tack up the sauce. After the sauce has rendered down and sticky pull from the cooker and let the salmon rest for 10 mins.

Garnish with lemon slices and serve.