
May is Mental Health Awareness Month; resources for coping with stress


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and mental illness is something that impacts millions of Americans, according to the National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI).

NAMI’s theme for this month is “you are not alone.” They say they will use the time to focus on the value of connecting in safe ways and recognizing it’s okay to not be okay.

Mental health is a conversation that has really been brought to the forefront over the past year. Many have spent incredible amounts of time alone and isolated, and the pandemic can be stressful and overwhelming.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says dealing with the pandemic and separating from everyone can increase stress and anxiety. Stress can cause a number of things like difficulty sleeping, increased use of alcohol or other substances, and physical reactions.

The CDC recommends coping with stress by:

  • Limiting your news intake to a couple times a day.
  • Take care of your body -- exercise regularly, eat well, get plenty of sleep.
  • Make time unwind.
  • Connect with others and connect with your community or faith-based organizations.

Click here to view more resources from the State of Tennessee.

If you need additional mental health resources, the statewide crisis line is 855-CRISIS-1 (855-274-7471). It’s available 24/7, 365 days for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis. All calls are routed to trained counselors in your area.