

Your guide to voting on Election Day in Tennessee

voting generic
and last updated

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Voters across Tennessee will have the chance to vote on the governor, their Congressperson and four Constitutional amendmentson the ballot.

When to go vote

Check with your local county election commission to find out when polls open. As long as you're in line by 7 p.m., you can cast your ballot.

How to cast a ballot

You will need to find your polling place.

This can be done through the GoVoteTN app or by heading over to the Tennessee Secretary of State's website. This can also happen by checking your county's election commission page. For counties that participate in no longer voting by exact precinct, you can choose one to attend in your county.

What should bring with you

You must bring a driver's license or ID issued by the Tennessee government of by the federal government. College IDs are not admissible.

If you got the wrong ballot in Nashville

The Davidson County Election Commission released a list of early voters who received an incorrect ballot. They may cast a provisional ballot on Election Day. You will need to go to the election commission to make this happen between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

The provisional ballot will be for the races in misassigned voters' correct state and federal congressional districts only, and they will only be counted in the event of a contested election. Voters will receive their special ballots in a personalized envelope after presenting photo ID.

If you have not voted, you should vote at your assigned precinct. If you have been misassigned, you will vote on a paper ballot using the yellow envelope that will contain the correct ballot choices.

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