

Woman identified in Clarksville domestic violence death


CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Clarksville police have identified the woman, who died in a domestic violence homicide on Monday morning.

Police said Oscarina Rincon, 34 of Venezuela, died after she was stabbed and died in a home on Eastern Hills Drive. Her relatives have been notified.

Authorities arrested the suspect Luis Alejandro Parra Montiel, 35, quickly thereafter after he fled into the woods before he was taken into custody.

Anyone with information or additional video footage is asked to contact Detective DeJesus at (931) 648-0656, ext. 5290, TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS AND BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CASH REWARD call the Clarksville Montgomery County Crime Stoppers Tipsline 931-645-8477, or go online and submit a tip at

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We know getting help may seem daunting, scary and complex. Below are some jumping-off points in your county.

All counties: Morning Star Sanctuary - (615) 860-0188 / Nurture the Next - (615) 383-0994 / The Mary Parrish Center - (615) 256-5959 / YWCA Nashville - (615) 983-5160

Bedford / Coffee County: Haven of Hope - (931) 728-1133

Cheatham County: Safe Haven of Cheatham County - (615) 681-5863

Cannon County: Cannon County S.A.V.E - (615)-563-6690

Clay County: Genesis House - (931) 525-1637

Davidson County: Family & Children Services - (615) 320-0591 / Family Safety Center - (615) 880-1100 / Jean Crowe Advocacy Center - (615) 862-4767

Dickson and Hickman Counties: Women Are Safe (931) 729-9885

Giles County: The Shelter, Inc. - (931) 762-1115

Grundy County: Families in Crisis, Inc. - (931) 473-6543

Houston / Montgomery Counties: Urban Methodist Urban Ministries Safehouse - (931) 648-9100

Maury County: Center of Hope - (931) 840-0916

Robertson / Sumner / Wilson Counties: HomeSafe Inc. - (615) 452-5439

Rutherford County: Domestic & Sexual Assault Center - (615) 896-7377

Williamson County: Bridges Domestic Violence Center - (615) 599-5777

Do you have more information about this story? You can email

Local Lebanon truck stop owner on financial stress and community support

Owning a small business is not for the faint of heart, especially in this economy. Jason Lamb's story with Uncle Pete reminds us of where our dollars are spent truly impacts our community and neighbors. But beware -- you'll be hungry for some home cookin' after watching this story!

-Carrie Sharp