

Williamson Co. requests the removal of Confederate flag from county seal

williamson county seal
Posted 8:04 PM, Sep 15, 2020
and last updated 8:04 PM, Sep 15, 2020

FRANKLIN, Tenn. (WTVF) — The Williamson County mayor will be asking the Historical Commission to approve the county's removal of the Confederate flag from its seal, according to a county commission resolution.

The county seal, which was adopted in 1968 bears a Confederate flag and cannon in one of its four quadrants. A Task Force was established to evaluate the seal and its members recommended to the county commission that the image be removed.

Since the Williamson County seal fits the definition of a memorial commemorating a historic conflict under Tennessee Code, any change to it must be approved in a two-thirds vote by the Tennessee Historical Commission.

Commissioners passed a resolution adopting the Task Force's report and authorizing the mayor to make the request to the historical commission.