

TVA, Meta commission Tennessee's newest large-scale solar energy project

Meta, TVA, NextEra Energy flip switch to commission Elora Solar Energy Center

ELORA, Tenn. (WTVF) — Executives from NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and Meta joined state and local leaders to celebrate the commissioning of Tennessee's newest large-scale solar energy project: the Elora Solar Energy Center.

"This solar energy project will generate low-cost, homegrown energy and provide millions of dollars in additional tax revenue to Lincoln County over the life of the project," said Stuart McCurdy, vice president of development at NextEra Energy Resources, the world's largest generator of wind and solar energy. "We are pleased to work with TVA and Meta to bring online Tennessee’s newest solar energy center."

The Elora Solar Energy Center will generate up to 150 megawatts of solar energy, while local utility partner, Fayetteville Public Utilities, will provide electric service to support the facility.

The center will utilize more than 500,000 photovoltaic solar panels that will convert the sun's energy into electricity.

“TVA is building a greener future that leaves no one behind in the new clean energy economy,” said Doug Perry, TVA senior vice president of commercial energy solutions. “This public-private relationship demonstrates the strength of TVA’s community energy model to attract high-quality jobs into the communities we serve while helping businesses meet their sustainability goal.”

The Elora Solar Energy Center is expected to generate millions in additional revenue for Lincoln County.

Work to build the center lasted 17 months and created approximately 250 construction jobs. It also stimulated the purchase of regional goods and services from local vendors.

During the commissioning ceremony, NextEra Energy Resources also presented a donation of $5,000 to the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

NextEra Energy gives $5,000 to Veterans of Foreign Wars
Heath Barefoot (NextEra Energy Resources director of development) presents a donation of $5,000 to the Veterans of Foreign Wars during the Elora Energy Center commissioning ceremony on May 19, 2022.

NextEra Energy Resources, together with its affiliated entities, is the world's largest generator of renewable energy from the wind and sun, and is a world leader in battery storage.