

This group of moms successfully made recess longer in Montgomery County. Now they want to do it statewide.

Clarksville Recess Extended
and last updated

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Ask any mom or dad you know and they'll tell you, parenting is quite the balancing act.

"Everything in moderation," said Kathryn Truman, who is raising four energetic young boys with her husband.

But for years, Truman has felt like the balance between school work and play has been way off.

"They need more free time, they need more social interaction, outdoor sunlight, physical activity," said Truman.

In Clarksville-Montgomery County Schools, where Truman's kids go to school, the set window of time for recess in elementary schools has only been 15-20 minutes.

"We look at recess as learning as well," she said. "Research points to that this is a no brainer."

So Truman joined Rachel Bush and Morgan Garner, two other moms also concerned about recess access, and started talking to stake holders about making the change.

"There were a lot of meetings with parents, school administrators, healthcare professionals," said Truman.

The effort took two years, but this month, the district decided the mom's had a point. "They provided, as of this next school year, 30 minutes daily of recess for the kids," said Truman.

Now the "Say Yes to Recess" group is hoping to take their ideas statewide. "There’s 95 counties we can bring positive change to," said Rachel Bush.

"We’re giving back in a way that’s our time and it’ll benefit kids everywhere," said Morgan Garner.

Bush, Garner and Truman want a groundswell of parents to join their Facebook and Instagram pages and movement to potentially protect a longer recess through a new state law.

"The more noise we make at the state level, we feel like the more they’re going to listen," said Bush.

More importantly, the trio hopes to restore the balance they feel like their kids so desperately need.

"When you look at learning in general, cognitive retention, all of this increases when you increase the amount of physical activity kids get daily," said Truman.

The new 30 minute recess goes into effect this Fall in Clarksville. In the long run, the group hopes to expand recess to a 30 minute morning session and a 30 minute afternoon session — so their kids get plenty of exercise.

Do you have more information about this story? You can email me at

Nashville pet foster groups deal with overcrowding

It’s a sad reality that area animal shelters and non-profit rescue organizations face constant overcrowding -- with so many dogs, cats and other animals waiting for a forever home. Jason Lamb reports here that Metro leaders are working with those groups – including Critter Cavalry – to find solutions. I’ve fostered a dog from Critter Cavalry, so I understand the need is great. And I found my pup Domino through another local group, Proverbs Animal Rescue. Ultimately, it starts with all of us. Getting more dogs and cats spayed or neutered can help control the pet population – and ease the burden.

-Rhori Johnston