NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — April is almost here, and the TennGreen Land Conservancy is encouraging you to sign up for their for Hike-A-Thon for a chance to protect the state's land and water. You can win some cool prizes as well.
The month-long competition in April is free for you to register and organizers say you can participate from anywhere in the world. The conservancy started collecting donations March 1st and so far, they've raised more than $170,000 of their $200,000 goal.
The money will go towards conserving land across Tennessee for wildlife corridors, critical habitat, and public benefit.
The donation window will remain open for 34 days. Registration is free and open all month for you to join! You can sign up as an individual or you can form a team! Teams can have up to 10 people.
There are also some great prizes available. Click herefor everything you need to know about prizes, registration, and donations for this year's event.

Fundraising efforts are underway in Brownsville and Nutbush, TN to build a statue for a major superstar who was raised there, Anna Mae Bullock. You probably know her by her stage name, Tina Turner. I was a huge fan of Tina and glad to see efforts are underway to showcase more of her ties to West Tennessee.
-Lelan Statom