

Sexual Assault Center fundraiser raised record amount of money for survivors

SAC Mad Hatter

The Sexual Assault Center's annual Mad Hatter Gala raised $387,000 this year, which they say is the largest amount in the organization's history.

It can pay for 52 survivors to get a forensic exam and a full year of therapy, according to SAC.

There were around 350 supporters at the event — community leaders, advocates, and survivors. Their mission is to provide healing for people who have been affected by sexual assault, and to end sexual violence through counseling, education and advocacy.

“Sexual Assault Center supported and advocated for me throughout the most challenging period of my life,” said survivor Danielle Pyle in the release. “They were integral to the passage of Danielle’s Law, which will allow countless survivors in Tennessee, like me, to bring their attackers to justice. For all of us who have been impacted by SAC’s work, thank you to everyone who supports the important mission of this incredible organization.”

You can learn more about SAC or donate to their cause online.

Remembering Eudora Boxley, a trailblazing TV cook from WLAC's early days

I LOVE Forrest's stories on the history of NewsChannel 5 as we celebrate our 70th anniversary. Here's a story I wasn't familiar with until recently. Eudora Boxley had a live cooking show in the early days of the station. She may have been the first black on air at NewsChannel 5 and perhaps, one of the first African Americans to have a TV cooking show anywhere in the country. It wasn't until her grandson reached out to me that I even heard of Ms. Boxley. Thankfully, I was able to connect him with Forest to learn more about this great nugget in NewsChannel 5 history.

-Lelan Statom