

Service Dogs Graduate From TDOC Training Program

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A group of dogs graduated from the Retrieving Independence Program where they learned how to do tasks ranging from folding laundry to detecting a seizure.

They graduated at Turney Center Industrial Complex on Friday.

PHOTOS: Service Dogs Graduate From TDOC Training Program

The is a program in which specially screened offenders train puppies to be service animals. The graduation marked the end of an intensive, 18-month process during which the dogs undergo intensive training. 





During that training, they live with their offender trainers who work with them each day, teaching them everything from seizure detection and wheelchair assistance to opening and closing doors and loading laundry. 

A recipient for each dog is matched early on and the training program is tailored to meet that person’s specific needs.  

The program was first introduced to Turney Center in 2012, and since then 38 dogs have been trained and matched with recipients.