

Sen. Hagerty, Sen. Blackburn vote to certify 2020 election results

hagerty blackburn
Posted at 10:34 PM, Jan 06, 2021

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty changed course following Wednesday's attack on the U.S. Capitol by voting to certify Electoral College votes.

Both were part of a coalition of Republican senators planning to oppose results. They were calling for Congress to appoint an Electoral Commission to conduct an emergency ten-day audit of the election returns in "disputed states."

The attack on the Capitol happened while legislators were discussing an objection to Arizona's Electoral College votes. They were forced out of their respective chambers by pro-Trump protesters.

However, when senators resumed discussions, Sen. Blackburn took to social media to say she would no longer be opposing the results.

Hagerty did not make an announcement but did not vote in favor of the challenge to the Electoral College votes.

Former Senator Bob Corker condemned the actions of the demonstrators. But he also said had senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty not changed their minds, they would have undermined our nation's democratic process.

"I hope they will. I know them well. I voted for them. But they have an opportunity now with all that's occurred, a perfect opportunity to say, this has gone too far," said Corker. "We no longer want to participate in this rouse on the American people."

The following Tennessee representatives did vote to uphold the objections after the Capitol was breached Wednesday.

  • Tim Burchett, Tenn.
  • Scott DesJarlais, Tenn.
  • Chuck Fleischmann, Tenn.
  • Mark E. Green, Tenn.
  • Diana Harshbarger, Tenn.
  • David Kustoff, Tenn.
  • John Rose, Tenn.