

'Ridin' with Biden': Tennessee Democratic delegates remain committed to the president

Rep. Vincent Dixie
and last updated

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Some political pundits called Thursday night's Presidential prime-time news conference, make or break for President Joe Biden.

The reviews appeared to be mixed. Some said they feel better about his upcoming nomination. Others seem to be still begging for another option.

So NewsChannel 5 asked Rep. Vincent Dixie, a state legislator from Nashville who also serves as a DNC delegate this year, if he still supports the president.

You can watch his explanation in the player above.

"President Biden is the person for the job, that’s what I’ve been saying all along. I’m ridin' with Biden," said Rep. Dixie.

Dixie said he isn't concerned about the president's cognitive abilities.

"That’s why he has a cabinet, that’s why we have a vice president. He has good people around him that can help him make his decision. He doesn’t unilaterally, right now, make any decision. No president does," he said.

But what about other delegates who may be having second thoughts? That question came up Thursday night, during the President's news conference. The question was actually asked by a Scripps News reporter, who is affiliated with our parent company.

"Your convention is coming up where your delegates are pledged to make you the official nominee. If they have second thoughts are they free to vote their conscience?" asked Haley Bull with Scripps News.

"Obviously, they’re free to do whatever they want," Biden said. "I got overwhelming support, got overwhelming support. I forgot how many votes I won in the primary."

That won't be the case for Dixie. He's considered a PLEO, a public leader or elected official delegate. That means Dixie and other PLEOs have to vote for the person who won their state presidential primary.

"I’m committed to voting for Biden. That’s one of the prerequisites for that," said Rep. Dixie.

The Democrats do have another type of delegate that are not bound to specific delegates, but they don't come into play unless the nomination is contested. So, unless President Biden drops out on his own accord before the convention, it's very likely he will be the 2024 Democratic nominee.

That news is music to Dixie's ears.

"We need to close ranks. We don’t need to have any doubts, any chinks in the armor. We’ve got to rally the troops, wrap our arms around Joe Biden and get this thing done," said Dixie.

Our news partners at the Nashville Banner asked other Tennessee DNC delegates. They also remain committed to the president.

Nashville pet foster groups deal with overcrowding

It’s a sad reality that area animal shelters and non-profit rescue organizations face constant overcrowding -- with so many dogs, cats and other animals waiting for a forever home. Jason Lamb reports here that Metro leaders are working with those groups – including Critter Cavalry – to find solutions. I’ve fostered a dog from Critter Cavalry, so I understand the need is great. And I found my pup Domino through another local group, Proverbs Animal Rescue. Ultimately, it starts with all of us. Getting more dogs and cats spayed or neutered can help control the pet population – and ease the burden.

-Rhori Johnston