

Priscilla Presley receives Tennessee's highest honor for civilians, lobbies for Memphis museum

She receives the same award her former husband, Elvis, accepted from Tennessee in 1961.
Priscilla Presley
and last updated

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — It's pretty common to spot familiar faces, both old and new, within the hallowed halls of the Tennessee Capitol Building. But there was a special guest Monday that had even lawmakers all shook up.

"I had no idea she was going to be here at the capitol," said Erin Ortiz, who was here with 4H students. "Yeah, I was a little star-struck."

"I get really excited whenever I see really cool people like that," said Leah Kennedy, another 4H participant.

Gov. Bill Lee, leaders of the Tennessee House of Representatives and the Tennessee Senate all honored Priscilla Presley, the former wife of Elvis.

Presley is the latest recipient of the Colonel Aide De Camp Award, the highest honor a civilian can receive in Tennessee. Fittingly enough, 64 years ago almost to the day, Elvis received the exact same commendation in the exact same legislative chamber.

Elvis Presley addresses a joint convention of the Tennessee Legislature to accept his "Colonel Aide de Camp Award" from then-Gov. Buford Ellington.

"I feel his presence with us today, truly," said Priscilla, accepting the honor in the Tennessee House.

But Presley wasn't just here for honors and accolades. She also came to lobby a cause near and dear to her heart.

"One piece of the Tennessee puzzle we need to put into place is the Smithsonian Rock n Soul Museum on Beale Street," said Presley on the House floor.

In a news conference, the Executive Director of the Rock n' Soul Museum told reporters they're forced to relocate now that the Fedex Forum is going under renovation. They've purchased a new property on Beale Street, the old Hard Rock Restaurant, but they need more funding to make it happen.

"We need assistance from the state," said John Doyle, who heads up the museum.

"We must do this for the State of Tennessee," added Presley.

It's a fitting cause for Presley to champion, considering she's devoted much of her life ensuring the celebrity fervor around Elvis never left the building.

"I want to end my remarks as I began, by quoting Elvis with his closing words for this same award in 1961. 'I am very proud to be here from the state of Tennessee. I will always call this my home. I hope I can live up to this honor, I will try my very best. God Bless you all.'" said Presley.

Then she concluded with that famous phrase from Elvis himself: "Thank you very much."

So, in addition to acting, will Presley be able to add the title of "accomplished lobbyist" to her accolades?

We will find out of the Rock n' Soul Museum in Memphis receives their requested state funding when Gov. Lee releases his budget amendments in the next few weeks.

Do you have more information about this story? You can email me at

On a snow day at the Capitol, we met a silver suited snowboarding lawyer

Shred the gnar with Patrick - the snowboarding lawyer that will remind you not to take things too seriously! His cheeky, cheerful attitude is contagious. His only complaint? The lack of chairlifts at the Tennessee State Capitol of course. Watch his story for an instant pick-me-up on a frigid day.

-Rebecca Schleicher