

Numbers Show Record Black Friday Gun Sales


Many people choose to shop for TVs and toys on Black Friday, but this year, guns were also a hot item.

According to the F.B.I., a record number of background checks were processed for gun sales on Black Friday, averaging a processed background check every half-second.

In all, the F.B.I says they processed 185,345 background checks, a 5% increase over the amount of background checks last year, setting a new record.

Many gun shops in Nashville saw a similar growth in the amount of sales they had this Black Friday.

“It was good for us.” Demir Demirhisar, co-owner of Nashville Gun Shop said. “It was good for everybody.”

Nashville Gun Shop sees steady business throughout the year, but Black Friday and the following weekend are when they make the most sales, and before someone buys a gun, they make sure they know background checks are a part of the buying process.

“It’s a must, make no mistake about it.” Demirhisar said.

In Tennessee, background checks are sent through the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, which works in conjunction with the F.B.I., but just because you pass a background check doesn’t mean you can get a gun.
“We don’t sell to everybody, lets put it that way.” Demirhisar said.

In the state of Tennessee, shop owners are allowed to turn anyone away, even if they pass a background check. That means if someone comes into a store acting suspiciously, the storeowner doesn’t have to sell the person a gun.

According to the F.B.I., only about 60% of gun sales are done through licensed dealers, meaning the other 40% of gun sales do not require a background check.

That is when Demirhisar says problems can arise. “Law abiding citizens will never be a major problem to another civilian. All the problems unfortunately come from crooks or criminals.”

While gun sales done outside of licensed dealers don’t require a background check, that doesn’t mean violent criminals purchase them all.

A very small percentage of gun sales, through licensed dealers or not, end in violent activity, but the background check does add an extra layer of protection.