

Hopkinsville man creates product that cleans lint in hopes of combating dryer fires

Posted 12:38 AM, Oct 14, 2019
and last updated 11:01 AM, Oct 14, 2019

HOPKINSVILLE, Ky. (WTVF) — As "Fire Prevention Week" wraps up, one Hopkinsville man is joining the fight when it comes to fire prevention. Lowell "Sully" Sullivan came up with his product "The Dryer Buddy" with hopes of preventing dryer fires.

Sully came up with the idea after two close calls with his owner dryer. He had it patented in 2015.

Sully says the dryer buddy is an automated dryer and dryer vent cleaning system. Once you connect the dryer buddy to the back of your dryer, a vortex vacuum is created, sucking the lint inside your dryer and then blowing it out in a matter of minutes.

"Most people don't clean out their dryer or dryer vents," said Sullivan, "it's just a problem that's growing and growing."

According to the National Fire Administration, there are close to 3,000 home clothes dryer fires reported each year, with an estimated $35 million in property loss.

The "dryer buddy" is not on the market just yet. Sullivan is putting the product on Indiegogo, a crowdfunding website, where people can pre-order it first. He hopes to have it on the market by next Spring.