

NDOT picks 14 winners for their Inaugural Tactical Urbanism Program

Tactical Urbanism Awardee Map

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) announced the winners of the first Tactical Urbanism Program project cycle.

They originally planned on only having four winners, however, the abundant amount of applications led them to pick 14 projects that will receive up to $20,000 for the installation of their project.

These projects are community-led, temporary installations meant to test roadway modifications and designs. This could be "improving sidewalk zones, enhancing crosswalks, and installing traffic calming measures such as traffic circles and pedestrian refuges," the release said.

The idea of the projects is to allow people to travel through neighborhoods efficiently and safely, which will help lead to better roadways designed for communities.

Matthew Cushing, project manager for NDOT's Tactical Urbanism Program said:

“Tactical urbanism projects can be installed much more quickly than traditional roadway projects, while still leading to improvements in safety and function. As the projects are temporary and easy to modify, they also allow testing of new configurations in a low-risk way, where designs can be quickly and incrementally modified based on real-world use.”
Matthew Cushingm project manager for NDOT Tactical Urbanism Program

Potential applicants should first review the contents of the Tactical Urbanism Guide to become acquainted with design guidance for the program. Pre-application consultations can be scheduled by reaching out to Community organizations and neighborhood groups with complete designs for a project can apply directly for a Tactical Urbanism Permit.

Details regarding future calls for projects will be announced at the beginning of next year. For any questions regarding tactical urbanism projects, please contact

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