

Nashville tornado recovery: 3K without power, 25 roads closed

Posted 1:53 PM, Mar 09, 2020
and last updated 4:00 PM, Mar 10, 2020

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Metro’s Office of Emergency Management provided an update Tuesday morning on the city’s recovery efforts after last week’s deadly tornado.

Nashville Electric Service crews have worked around the clock to restore power to thousands of residents. At the peak of the outage, nearly 50,000 were without power in Nashville.

NES says 230 crews are working to restore power to the 3,364 customers who are still affected.

NES will turn off the power to 600 customers in North Nashville for one hour on Tuesday morning. NES said this will be to take down the Underwood Substation for additional repairs.

Metro Public Works crews have also been working to clear roads of debris. Initially, 116 roads were closed but 91 have reopened – bringing the total of current closures to 25.

Below are roads closed on Tuesday:

  • Walnut Grove (until 12 p.m.)
  • Brookview Drive
  • Bermuda Drive
  • Crestline Drive
  • Dearborn Drive
  • Baker Road
  • Barclay Drive
  • Brittany Drive
  • Chapman Drive
  • Fortland Drive
  • Hody Drive
  • Huntleigh Drive
  • Lazenby Drive
  • Newhall Drive
  • Noonan Court
  • Noonan Drive
  • Paden Drive
  • Riverside Drive

Metro provided the following additional updates on several areas including traffic signals and sign replacement.

Repairing Traffic Signals

  • 72 total traffic signals were damaged, or lacking power
  • 61 signals have been restored
  • 9 are undamaged, but require power to be restored
  • 2 are significantly damaged and will need repair
  • A generator is powering DB Todd & Jefferson, 5th & Main

Repairing & Replacing Signage

  • 213 stop signs have been repaired or replaced
  • 40 stop signs awaiting to be replaced
  • 5 temporary stops have been installed

Household Waste/Trash

  • We had 6 trash trucks running in North and East Nashville picking up household trash. We will add trash capacity in Donelson & Hermitage as it becomes needed.
  • Total tons of trash since March 7 - 104.52

Amount of Debris Hauled

  • 768 loads of debris were hauled to the transfer stations prior to Saturday morning, and prior to FEMA documentation.
  • To date the results are 1,841 loads totaling 62,044 cubic yards that have been accounted for using the new metrics.