

Nashville Diaper Connection offers free diapers for a year to parents enrolled at school

Huggies are on sale at Costco for as low as 16 cents per diaper
and last updated

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — If you're a parent, then chances are, you were shocked by some of the costs of raising a child. It's just that much more intense when you're trying to pay for school at the same time. One program has heard those concerns, and they're offering some help to those who may need it.

"Now his hair's long enough to go up like his dad's," laughed Joseph Grant, looking at a picture of his 3-year-old son Christopher. "He likes that. Man, it was the greatest moment in my life, holding him. I couldn't believe I could love something that much, and it's only gained since then."

Looking to give his son a better life, Grant enrolled at Nashville State Community College to study electrical engineering. As so many know, it takes a lot of money to raise a child.

"It added up quite a bit," Grant said.

According to the Nashville Diaper Connection, diapers for one child will cost a parent $1,200 a year.

"That gets expensive," said Doug Adair, president of Nashville Diaper Connection. "What we do is provide diapers to families who otherwise couldn't afford them."

They do that by partnering with agencies that find those families.

Adair's aware of the challenges for parenting students, particularly adult learners. He's introduced something.

"This is our diapers for diplomas program," he explained. "If selected, you'll receive all the diapers you'll need for the next year for one child while you stay with one of our four community colleges in middle Tennessee."

Applicants go through the Nashville Diaper Connection site, with those eligible for Pell Grants or Tennessee Reconnect also among those eligible for the diapers. They'll be choosing 125 recipients this year. Grant was one of the 104 picked last year.

"It's been an absolute blessing," Grant said. "It takes that worry off, what am I going to do for gas this week, food? I know diapers are taken care of this month."

"This is proof positive that diapers make a difference," said Adair.

If you'd like to apply for this program, visit here.