

Nashville resident stars in BET film to spark change in film representation


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — A Tennessee native has gone from performing at local venues to starring in a BET film. Daisha Mcbride, aka The Rap Girl, is a Knoxville native but lives in Nashville. She graduated from Middle Tennessee State University.

She says she was shocked and surprised to get a phone call from BET for her to star in their show Queen Collective produced by Hip-Hop artist and movie star Queen Latifah.

It's an initiative that seeks to increase representation in entertainment through short films by black directors who identify as female or nonbinary.

"They allowed Black female and non-binary directors to create their own films, the view is just basically to widen the screen. They want to give more Black directors more opportunities and allow them to tell the stories they want to tell. And so basically, I was one of the stories that got picked up," said McBride.

The Tribeca premiere for the show was this week. It's currently in its fourth season. Mcbride's episode is episode 1 and it's titled In Her Element. The episode highlights McBride's journey as a hip-hop artist breaking boundaries in the global epicenter of country music in Nashville.

"I want people to know Nashville is not just country music. That there is so many other artists and so many other genres here that don't do country music that I feel like deserve that mainstream push just like a lot of the other country artists here get. But also I just want people to learn more about me and what I do, and my music. I just try to make good music, music that relates to people, and music I can connect to myself," said McBride.

McBride says Nashville is a melting pot of so much talent and different artistry and she's honored to show that to the world. The show is available to watch on BET. The link to watch is here.