

Metro Mounted Patrol increases visibility to prevent crime

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Hooves clapping on the pavement isn't a sound you hear every day in the Nations neighborhood. On Thursday, mounted officers and their horses scoured alleys and construction sites in an effort to prevent crime before it even happens.

Officer Mike MacLennan said, "If any sector commander wants us, and they're having trouble in a certain area, they can call, we'll go ride that area."

Recently, police were searching for some robbers who were targeting construction workers. They were eventually arrested, but officers want to make sure construction workers feel safe while on the job.

MacLennan said, "We were just riding up in the alley a little while ago, privacy fences we could see over. If somebody ran and was trying to hide, we'd be able to see where they were at."

A height advantage can be a huge benefit to police work.

MacLennan said, "And also we could cover a lot of ground a lot quicker if you've got officers out here on foot it's going to take them a long time to walk from one place to another, we can cover that distance in pretty good time with these horses."

Officer Mike MacLennan and Officer Brent Hoadley traded out squad cars for Boo, a Tennessee Walking Horse, and King, a quarter horse.

MacLennan said, "We can get places that cars aren't able to get."

When the Mounted Patrol unit is out and about, they hope suspects will think twice before committing a crime.

MacLennan said, "Being out more, being more visible."

In addition, they believe horses are the perfect ice breaker to improve community and police relations for the New Year.