

Meet Andy and Cooper: The duo who helps when tragedy strikes


WTVF — Listening to the constant evolving news cycle can be tough, but when tragedy happens it is important to find the good. We want to showcase those who run toward it to help.

Andy Garmezy and his dog Cooper work with the National Crisis Response Canines. They have responded to some of our nation's more recent tragedies: Surfside, Florida; the Kentucky tornadoes; Uvalde, Texas; the Covenant shooting and Lewiston, Maine.

"It was very powerful, very emotional. The people of Maine were very appreciative we were there," Andy said.

On their way to Maine, the flight attendant had willing passengers write notes. In total there were more than 200. Andy got up and gave a speech over the intercom and read some of the messages. That speech has gone viral online.

"I'm so incredibly grateful that I was able to be the vehicle to get this message across and to give people hope," Felisha Lees who took the video said.

The speech spread the news about the good work teams like Andy and Cooper do. Reminding us all, in tragedy you can find the good in the people and dogs called to help.

Andy said the notes from the plane were dropped off at L.L. Bean. They were the company that called Andy and Cooper to head out to Maine to help.