

Mayor: City is working on 5,000 requests to clear neighborhood roads

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Thousands have asked the Nashville Department of Transportation to clear snow and ice from neighborhood streets.

According to the mayor, the city of Nashville has received 5,000 requests for help through Hub Nashville.

"I know they had gotten through several hundred of them starting the day [Sunday]," said Mayor Freddie O'Connell.

He explained primary and secondary roads are clear, and neighborhood streets come next. They prioritize neighborhoods at most risk and with the most people affected.

While crews have made it over to Madison, Inglewood, Antioch, and parts of North Nashville, there's a lot more ground to cover.

"If you're on a hill by yourself at the end of a lonely road, you may not see the plow as quickly as someone at the bottom of the hill in a neighborhood that's got more homes around it," said O'Connell.

Moving forward, he says NDOT is committed to clearing neighborhood streets as long as necessary.

"These are people that are working hard every single day, 24/7 for the people of Nashville, and I'm personally very grateful for their efforts," he said.

As for the future, the city has ordered 37 new NDOT trucks and plans to take a closer look at how to prioritize effectively and increase efficiency.