NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — It’s a time many Tennesseans have been waiting for! The state's traditional sales tax holiday begins on Friday, July 26!
From that Friday through Sunday, July 28 at midnight, things like clothing, school supplies and computers may be purchased tax free. The hope is to help those struggling with inflation as we head out of summer and into a new school year!
So what is exempt and what is not?
General apparel that costs $100 or less per item, such as shirts, pants, socks, shoes, dresses is exempt
School and art supplies with a purchase price of $100 or less per item, such as binders, backpacks, crayons, paper, pens, pencils, and rulers, and art supplies such as glazes, clay, paints, drawing pads and artist paintbrushes are exempt.
Computers for personal use with a purchase price of $1,500 or less are exempt.
Laptop computers, if priced at $1,500 or less, also qualify as well as tablet computers
Not exempt:
- Apparel items priced at more than $100
- Items sold together, such as shoes, cannot be split up to stay beneath the $100 maximum
- Items such as jewelry, handbags, or sports and recreational equipment
- School and art supplies individually priced at more than $100
- Items that are normally sold together cannot be split up to stay beneath the $100 maximum
- Storage media, like flash drives and compact discs
- Individually purchased software
- Printer supplies
- Household appliances

Fundraising efforts are underway in Brownsville and Nutbush, TN to build a statue for a major superstar who was raised there, Anna Mae Bullock. You probably know her by her stage name, Tina Turner. I was a huge fan of Tina and glad to see efforts are underway to showcase more of her ties to West Tennessee.
-Lelan Statom