HENDERSONVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — An intersection in Hendersonville causes problems for drivers in the center of the city, but Mayor Jamie Clary said a project that began in February will change that.
"You have one road that pulls out onto Gallatin Road, and then 50 feet later, you've got another intersection," said Clary. "When you pull out of Main Street from one of those roads, you immediately hit another traffic signal."
He spoke about how Walton Ferry Road and Old Shackle Island Road do not meet at Main Street to form an intersection.
"I remember being here in the 1970s this intersection was exactly the way it is right now," said Clary.
Clary pointed to the posters ofthe project TDOT has worked for 20 years to plan, which hangs on posters along the largest hallway at City Hall.
"We really have to start the process way down here and this is Nokes Drive," said Clary.
He said the history behind these roads dates back over 100 years, but basically they were not used to travel through Hendersonville, but to travel to the city itself.
"Old Shackle Island Road was originally just a road between the Shackle Island community a couple miles north of Hendersonville and Hendersonville," said Clary. "Walton Ferry it was literally a road to get you to the ferry at the Cumberland River."
The plans will create sidewalks, repave the road and combine both Walton Ferry and Old Shackle Island Road.
TDOT said the expected completion date will be in early 2027.
Do you have more information about this story? You can email me at kim.rafferty@newschannel5.com.

Shred the gnar with Patrick - the snowboarding lawyer that will remind you not to take things too seriously! His cheeky, cheerful attitude is contagious. His only complaint? The lack of chairlifts at the Tennessee State Capitol of course. Watch his story for an instant pick-me-up on a frigid day.
-Rebecca Schleicher