

Looking for activities for the kids this summer? Head to the Williamson County Library!

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Students may be out on summer break but they can head to the Williamson County Public Library for fun activities over the next couple of weeks.

Nikki-Dee Ray was at the library this morning to give us a look at all that's in store for the kids this summer!

Check out the interview above or take a peek at the library's event calendar here.

After years of hearing 'no,' this Lipscomb player finally heard a 'yes'

A lesson in never giving up: Jack's story will have you believing dreams really can come true. It's so uplifting to hear those around him talk about his determination and then to see it rewarded. Not many teens would email coaches every week just to hear a 'no,' but Jack did. And eventually, it all pays off.

-Rebecca Schleicher