

Teen Expected To Return Home After Head Injury

Posted 3:03 PM, Apr 20, 2016
and last updated 3:04 PM, Apr 20, 2016

A Rutherford County teenager is expected to return home Wednesday more than six months after receiving a head injury during a high school football game.

Baylor Bramble was injured last fall during a football game at Siegel High School. Since that day, he's been in the hospital.

Baylor has received treatment at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, a facility in Atlanta and Trust Point in Rutherford County. 

He was unable to breathe on his own until last month, when his trach tube was removed. 

Baylor's dad, David, made the big announcement in a blog post this week and said he can't wait to have the family back together again.

Students from Blackman High School recently hosted a festival in his honor, with all proceeds going to Baylor and his family.