

House approves the new rules for special session in a 73-23 vote. Read the rules here.

special session
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — The House Select Committee on Rules put forth potential guidelines for the special session happening August 21 at 4 p.m.

This is a normal procedure for any special session. The House Select Committee on Rules is in place to help govern the daily order of business in the House and its committees.

The entire House of Representatives votes on which of the rules put forth by the committee to adopt during the special session. The House will consider the rules in the House chamber at 4 p.m. today.

Here are the proposed rules:

Rule 2: Prohibits members and staff from using electronic devices that impair decorum and prohibits audio or visual recording, live streaming or broadcasting in any meeting of the House, its committees and subcommittees and joint conventions.

Rule 4: Prohibits voice or noise amplification devices, flags, signs and banners.

Rule 18: When a member is recognized and goes off-topic, they will forfeit their remaining time. If the member is called to order by the Speaker a second time on the same day, and it is sustained by the House, the member will not be recognized for the remainder of that day. The member will not be recognized for three legislative days on a third offense. The member will not be recognized for the remainder of the session for a fourth offense. Offending members will still be allowed to vote.

Rule 21: Gives a bill sponsor two minutes to respond to a member whose time has expired.

Rule 35: Adds voice or noise amplification devices to no props rule.

Rule 60: Sets the amendment filing deadline for the floor to at least four hours prior to the start of session in order to be considered.

Rule 65: Names the standing committees for the extraordinary session and removes designees from the Government Operations Committee.

Rule 83 adds a new section: Establishes an ad hoc committee composed of the Speaker Pro Tempore, the two leaders and the two caucus chairs to make disciplinary recommendations to the Speaker or the House when a member is ruled out of order in committee for impugning the reputation of another member, the committee or the House.

New Rule 86: If a member impugns the reputation of another member or the House, the member may be called to order by any other member. The House will decide the case without debate. First offense, the member will not be able to proceed with remarks. Second offense, no recognition for three legislative days. Third offense: no recognition for six legislative days. Fourth offense: no recognition for the remainder of the annual session. Offending members will still be allowed to vote.

Gov. Bill Lee's special session on public safety begins at the State Capitol on Monday, Aug. 21.

This special session includes only the topics set by the governor. State leaders will discuss 18 topics on an official proclamation from Governor Lee ranging from mental health to juvenile justice.

The special session begins at 4 p.m. You can join us for a special edition of NewsChannel 5 at 6 p.m. as Carrie Sharp and Phil Williams live from the Capitol.

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