

Hendersonville Police Warn Of Skimmer Fraud

Posted 1:24 AM, Dec 22, 2016

Officials with the Hendersonville Police Department have warned people about card skimmers in the area.

Police have been investigating a few cases of skimmer fraud lately.

Devices can be placed on gas pumps and ATMs that steal your personal data when you swipe.

Authorities warned people to stay alert.

"Always check your bank account and make sure you look at your transactions. If you go somewhere and it doesn't feel right, don't use your card. If you're at a gas pump and you see that the gas pump might have been messed with, the doors open, something don't look right, it's best to move to another pump," said Detective Steve Malach.

Some skimmers even have bluetooth capabilities; so the thief can use a laptop nearby to steal your valuable information.