

Health expert warns people to keep guard up at crowded events - regardless of vaccination status

Suggests people continue to wear mask in crowds
AM AARON SCHAFFNER ON FESTIVAL SAFETY _00 VO.transfer_frame_508.jpeg
and last updated

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Concerts, festivals and sporting events are back and people are coming out in huge numbers to attend. Some of these events are requiring guests to have a negative COVID-19 test or prove they're vaccinated. Health experts warn even with these precautions, there’s still a chance you could get infected with the virus.

There have been many incidents of breakthrough cases, because the vaccinated can still catch COVID-19.

Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. William Schaffner says venues and event organizers putting these requirements in place to attend is great, but he doesn’t want you to let your guard down.

Right now, Tennessee has the most COVID-19 cases in the United States.

Dr. Schaffner says remember, as we go out to big events like football games or this weekend's Pride festival, we assume a certain risk. He suggests if you’re going to these events, be vaccinated yourself and practice good hygiene.

Regardless of the policy, he suggests you still wear a mask, and as much as possible, do social distancing.

He knows people have been stuck in the house for a long time and want to have fun, but says you don't want to expose yourself.

COVID-19 isn’t the only virus we need to worry about either as we head into the fall and winter season.

“So, take your hand sanitizer with you exactly as you say use it frequently. We're not only protecting ourselves against COVID but there are already winter viruses that have started out and flu is just down the road,” Vanderbilt University Medical Center Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. William Schaffner said.

Dr. Schaffner suggests the unvaccinated and children unvaccinated avoid any large events to avoid catching COVID-19.

He adds, if you’re vaccinated with underlining health conditions, older or immune compromised , think twice about going to any large events right now, too.