

Franklin pickleball tournament helps veterans in need

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FRANKLIN, Tenn. (WTVF) — A pickleball tournament in Williamson County is serving up a lot of fun and serving an important group in our community.

All proceeds from the games played at TOA Sports Performance Center Sunday will help homeless veterans get back on their feet through a nonprofit called We Are Building Lives.

The group focuses on getting vets housing, employment, counseling, and any kind of financial assistance they need.

"It makes something fun also something meaningful," said one pickleball player, Walt Tennyson. "They work with a real vulnerable population of people...veterans, a lot of whom struggle with mental illnesses and trauma and addiction issues."

This was the organization's 3rd year hosting the tournament. The nonprofit hopes to pull in around $5,000.

"A lot of people, if they don't have this help, they won't ever get back in civilian life," explained Aubrie Pittman, the marketing and development director for the organization.

She said there are hundreds of homeless veterans in Nashville, and many of them could use the help they provide.

"So it's really life-changing for most of these veterans," she concluded.

Nashville pet foster groups deal with overcrowding

It’s a sad reality that area animal shelters and non-profit rescue organizations face constant overcrowding -- with so many dogs, cats and other animals waiting for a forever home. Jason Lamb reports here that Metro leaders are working with those groups – including Critter Cavalry – to find solutions. I’ve fostered a dog from Critter Cavalry, so I understand the need is great. And I found my pup Domino through another local group, Proverbs Animal Rescue. Ultimately, it starts with all of us. Getting more dogs and cats spayed or neutered can help control the pet population – and ease the burden.

-Rhori Johnston