

Feeling stressed? Life coach says it’s OK to hit 'pause' this time of year

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — It’s already been a tough two years for many people, and unfortunately as the holidays and end of the year approach, people tend to get even more stressed. Lots of Americans have expectations and set goals, but one life coach is weighing in on why it’s OK to hit “pause” this time of year.

Elena Armijo, an executive leadership coach, insists we take a breath, evaluate our year so far — and realize what’s important.

Several studies show a lot of Americans are opting for new careers during the pandemic after re-evaluating what’s important in life. Armijo advises clients that now is a great time to write things out and seek a better work-life balance that can help with your mental health, especially when considering a career change.

“Make a dream list,” Armijo advises. “Literally sit down, take everything off the table, everything that's in front of you that you have currently and start with ‘what do I want?’”

She encourages freeform writing, getting a list of 10 to 20 things that you really want in your life. Things like what you want your work-life balance to look like and how much money you realistically want to make.

“So really looking at all the wants in the world. That doesn't mean you’re going to get all of them on your list... but it's a great place to start,” says Armijo.

She recommends allowing your pause to create rest, restoration, and gratitude. The life coach says be thankful for everything you’ve created this year — both your wins and obstacles that you’ve overcome.

Also, make some room in your “time out” to let your goals, dreams and what is next for you in your life to have some room to occur naturally, as opposed to those often self-imposed new year timelines.