NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Parents are struggling to feed their children due to a backlog in getting Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. The Tennessee Department of Human Services is blaming a technology update they did in June.
On Friday at the Tennessee Department of Human Services office in Nashville, people waited for hours to try and get their SNAP benefits. Some folks sat on the floor. A single mom said she had to leave before she saw anyone about the status of her application.
More than half a dozen people have called the NewsChannel5 newsroom as a last resort. They’ve been waiting months for their renewals to be approved, and people like Angel in Winchester are at their wit's end.
"I’m still waiting on the Family First call,” Angel said.
Those impacted asked NewsChannel 5 to not show their faces for privacy reasons. Angel was able to get her EBT card, but she's still waiting on money to help cover the cost of childcare.
“I’ve done a thousand and one applications and called them, and nobody’s gotten back to me,” Angel said.
She had to stop working to stay home with her child.
"If they don’t get help, they end up on the streets and end up getting a lot of negativity towards them because they’re on the streets," Angel said.
Angel's mom is so upset that she applied to work at their local DHS office to help with the backlog in Winchester.
“I need to start moving forward, I have a daughter to think about, and I need a job to start making money,” Angel said.
Lela McKnight also called and emailed the newsroom. She's been waiting for her renewal in Dickson County which was up in November.
“I kept calling them, and I would be on hold until my battery would die on my phone,” McKnight said.
She said families struggled through the holidays, and into the New Year, they're still waiting for SNAP benefits.
"I feel really hard at Gov. Lee for letting this go on because I’m sure Christmas dinner he had his," McKnight said.
DHS blames the technology transition they did in June. They issued a statement:
"The Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) experienced its largest technology transition since 1992. In June, TDHS launched a new Eligibility Benefits Management System (EBMS) as a part of the department’s broader modernization efforts to provide a single platform for the management of Family Assistance programs (SNAP and Families First) as well as other TDHS programs and services to better serve our customers and streamline case processing for TDHS team members. With the adoption of any new technology, inevitably it involves a period of adjustment. As we transition from the old system to the new one, there has been a temporary increase in our processing times that we are actively working to mitigate. We have also received an influx of applications, with some individuals submitting duplicate applications which has significantly increased our application workload.
However, our staff is working diligently to process cases to ensure that our valued customers receive needed benefits within a timely manner. We are also actively working to recruit and retain our Eligibility Staff by adding job postings of high-priority positions and offering accelerated training of new hires to add to the staff processing SNAP applications. In addition, we are seeking other opportunities to support front-line staff and staff answering calls to help streamline our processing times. We would like to share that customers can now track and manage their cases online using the One DHS Customer portal, which has the capability for customers to create an online account and upload documents needed to complete their cases. It is extremely helpful if customers upload all required documents through the One DHS Customer portal prior to the interview.
By doing this, cases could be completed during the interview process. For more information, on the SNAP application process and required documents needed, please review the TDHS website. We also strongly encourage customers to learn more about how to manage and track their cases using the One DHS Customer Portal by clicking here [], and kindly refrain from submitting multiple applications. Additionally, we are working with our federal partners and exploring options to better serve our customers. We appreciate everyone’s patience during this time, and we remain dedicated to make continuous improvements."

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-Carrie Sharp