

Experience the joy of Christmas this year at the Nashville First Baptist Church

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Everyone has that thing that gets them into the holiday spirit: food, movies, events, but for some its those classic holiday songs.

Just down the road from the country music scene of Broadway under the shadow of the Batman building you'll find the lights of Nashville First Baptist Church who are opening their doors for a Sunday crowd looking for a different kind of music.

Its really almost a full year process from the inception of deciding what titles they will play, starting the rehearsals.

It's for a performance made up of 6 pianos, 12 players and 528 keys. It is their Keyboards at Christmas program.

"It's a unique way to help me get into the Christmas season and to really focus on what Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus Christ," Performer Donna Scudder said.

The performance at times has 24 hands playing at once and as you can imagine that gets tricky!

"It takes a lot of coordination to determine who plays which parts when," Worship and Music Pastor Joe Fitzpatrick said.

It doesn't stop at the pianos to make this musical masterpiece! Who can forget the carolers both on stage and in the pews.

These players get something different out of each song, but they get to give Christmas joy with all of them.

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-Lelan Statom