

Elementary school students sing Antioch High School a message of love and healing

“Music has power it really does. It’s given to us to communicate to people that speaking we can’t."
Ruby Major Sings Message Of Hope For AHS
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HERMITAGE, Tenn (WTVF) — After the tragedy at Antioch High School, the students at another Nashville school knew that Antioch was hurting.

For the past week, hundreds of students at Ruby Major Elementary worked and practiced a song that meant a lot to them.

I was invited to Ruby Major’s “recording session” for the surprise gift to the students and teachers at Antioch High.

The recording took place in the school gym the day before Valentine’s Day.

“You guys are about to make a difference in some lives and I’m very, very excited for you,” said music teacher Sam Kallaos.

He was addressing the 400 elementary school students who walked into the gym and stood in lines.

Corralling all of them was no small feat much less having them perform Jelly Roll’s song, “I Am Not Okay” three times for a video recording.

The Ruby Major elementary school kids knew it was an important project.

They sang from their hearts and made big hearts with their hands.

“Remember music has power,” said Kallaos.

Even at such a young age, the elementary school students knew the big kids at Antioch High School were not all right.

“About two weeks ago something happened there,” one student said.

“It’s kinda like we’re giving them a chocolate valentine but instead it’s music,” said another.

“We just want them to know if something happens it will all be all right.”

“They’re always special,” said another student.

For more than a week music teacher Sam Kallaos practiced the song with them and kept it a secret.

“They were like ‘We wanna do a good job. We wanna bless these kids’ and you tell them they’re helping out older kids, oh my gosh that gives them a mission,” said Kallaos.

So when Antioch teachers opened their morning messages they received a special surprise: Ruby Major students singing them a message of love and healing.

“This morning they’re coming through did they say it did they see it? Did they see it and I’m like yes, they did,” said Kallaos.

He received an email from Antioch High School principal Dr. Nekesha Burnette.

“’Please let your students know how deeply they have touched us all. Their voices in the lyrics of the song we’re not only impressive but also deeply moving and they will undoubtedly inspire the entire Antioch community.’ That got me,” said Kallaos.

“Music has power, it really does. It’s given to us to communicate to people that speaking we can’t,” said Kallaos.

So even when we're not all right, even the littlest voices have the power to remind us it is ok not to be.

It was close to the entire student body who took part.

Second through fifth graders sang for the video that was sent to Antioch High School.

If you have thoughts on this story email me at