

Driver Speaks Out After Truck Hit By Rock Dropped From Overpass


A driver recalled the scary moment when her windshield was hit by a rock after someone dropped it from an overpass above.

Molly Traughber said it happened between 5:30 and 6 p.m. Saturday night, on Briley Parkway, when she looked up at the Lebanon Pike overpass, and saw what she says was likely a rock dropped from above.

Molly says it shattered part of the windshield, and almost broke all the way through.

She has this warning to whoever threw the rock -- and whoever may think of doing something like that in the future.

"You're doing what you think is a harmless prank, it can be dangerous, it can kill people.  It's killed people before.  I just got lucky," Traughber said.

Molly says luckily all of the damage to her car appears to be confined to her windshield.

She said she called police to report what happened.