DONELSON, Tenn. (WTVF) — Neighbors in one community say broken streetlights are a problem.
Those who live in Donelson worry defunct streetlights make it harder to navigate the road and may increase the potential for crime.
"As long as it's still getting dark at 5:30, that's more opportunity for a lot of things to happen," said one resident Daryl Woods.
"You're used to dodging the potholes, but when you can't see the potholes at night, it makes it even more difficult."
He said he started a campaign to highlight the issue on Facebook, and at least 14 people reported an outage to him.
"There are neighbors who feel we have been overlooked," he said.
He mentioned outages along Lebanon Road and in neighborhoods like Bluefields, Donelson Hills and Merry Oaks.
Nashville Electric Service says they are reviewing the reports they receive.
Woods and many neighbors say NES has been active in helping. They've recently seen quick fixes for neighborhood streetlights.
If you have a complaint, you can file a request to fix your streetlight on the Nashville Electric Service website. You will need the number of the streetlight in question. It's listed on the yellow tag on each pole.

Fundraising efforts are underway in Brownsville and Nutbush, TN to build a statue for a major superstar who was raised there, Anna Mae Bullock. You probably know her by her stage name, Tina Turner. I was a huge fan of Tina and glad to see efforts are underway to showcase more of her ties to West Tennessee.
-Lelan Statom