

Diapers for Diplomas program expands to MTSU

Huggies are on sale at Costco for as low as 16 cents per diaper
and last updated

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — The Nashville Diaper Connection announced it's expanding its Diapers for Diplomas program.

The program gives qualifying students who are raising young children a "scholarship" that amounts to 200 diapers per month.

The program is expanding to MTSU, its largest campus yet, after first starting in several community colleges and then expanding to TCAT locations and Austin Peay State University.

After years of hearing 'no,' this Lipscomb player finally heard a 'yes'

A lesson in never giving up: Jack's story will have you believing dreams really can come true. It's so uplifting to hear those around him talk about his determination and then to see it rewarded. Not many teens would email coaches every week just to hear a 'no,' but Jack did. And eventually, it all pays off.

-Rebecca Schleicher