

'Devastating, heart-wrenching': Many in the Nashville Jewish community are on edge as war rages on in Israel

Jewish Federation for Greater Nashville
Posted at 5:57 PM, Oct 09, 2023

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Rabbi Dan Horwitz's mind may be on prepping a rally, but his heart is in Israel.

"Devastating, heart wrenching, exhausting, everyone’s nerves are fried and shot," he said.

Over the weekend, Horwitz watched in horror as the terrorist group Hamas launched several unexpected attacks that have killed hundreds of innocent civillians. He feels like not only is the country under attack, his faith and family is too.

"My sister happens to live there with her husband," said Horwitz.

Thankfully, his sister and her husband are safe. But other friends of his haven't been as lucky.

"We all have people we know and love who are now being attacked by terrorists in their own homes, and distressing doesn’t even begin to describe it," he said. To hear Horwitz describe the emotions in his own words, click on the video player above.

Horwitz, who also serves as CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville, believes two things can be true at the same time.

"Yes, we need Hamas to be rooted out and eliminated as much as possible and we are simultaneously praying for peace and calm and the flourishing of everyone and all of humanity in that region at the same time," he said.

That dual perspective extends to his faith as well.

"Pray, yes, and call your representatives and let them know, that you stand with Israel," Horwitz said emphatically.

The Jewish Federation is hoping to show that Nashville stands with Israel, with a rally Monday night at 7 p.m. at the Gordon Jewish Community Center. They've had so many people RSVP, they've added several overflow spaces and added security measures.

"Showing up in support and solidarity means the world," said Horwitz.

It only proves that when hearts and minds combine, it sends an unmistakable message.

"Knowing that in these moments of intensity, there is unity that people are showing for each other is incredibly exciting," said Horwitz.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville has also set up an emergency relief fundfor the humanitarian crisis that is emerging from the war.