HENDERSONVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — A judge denied a woman bond after she was accused of drowning her 7-year-old child in Drakes Creek in Hendersonville.
Brandi Elliott told police that her child, Piper, would not "give her what she wanted — time alone — that she would give her what she wanted." That's when Elliott reportedly held her under the water until she felt her bubbling. She reportedly told the child to be quiet while she held her under the water. She has since been charged with first-degree murder.
Watch our perspective from Elliott's friends in the player above.
Elliott told the judge she wasn't currently under the care of a mental health professional but had previously been diagnosed with postpartum depression when her daughter was 2.
Both her attorney and the state didn't want Elliott mentally evaluated at this time, both said in Tuesday's hearing.
She told the judge her husband was living with a disability, and she began crying. Elliott has no other criminal record, and she works at McDonald's.
Her next hearing is Aug. 14 at 2 p.m. in Sumner County.

Shred the gnar with Patrick - the snowboarding lawyer that will remind you not to take things too seriously! His cheeky, cheerful attitude is contagious. His only complaint? The lack of chairlifts at the Tennessee State Capitol of course. Watch his story for an instant pick-me-up on a frigid day.
-Rebecca Schleicher