

Congregation Moves Out As 105-Year-Old Church Falls Apart


Conditions at a 105-year-old church in Maury County are so bad, members had no option but to move out. 

The Central Presbyterian Church of Culleoka was built in 1911. It is a church that holds a lot of memories and have gone through many changes. 

What remains are some of the original furnishings and stain glass windows. 

"Our church is falling apart," Sherrel Krueger, a church member of 23 years, told NewsChannel 5. "It has been abused, we have people put on a roof but they never stop the leaks."

Pieces of the plaster board are coming off and the floors are weak due to rotting wood.

As of a month ago, the congregation of 20 decided it was too unsafe to continue services and have  been borrowed the space from other churches in the county. 

The church does not have a lot of money and have had to make some cuts to keep it open. There have been talks of closing it down over the years but the church is too precious for everyone. 

"Its got so many things that's unique and fabulous for this place that we hate to see it gone," Krueger said. 

The church even had to turn down wedding requests because of the unsafe conditions. 

Krueger said they will do what they can to save the church and move back in but are struggling to find out how. 

"To me it's my family," Krueger added. "We want it and are willing to do it [raise money]."

The church is located at the corner of Culleoka Highway and Scribners Mill Road.