NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — If you've ever been to a Cirque du Soleil performance, or want to go, there's one in the works that has a spin from our area.
Cirque du Soleil's live country performance is next July at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center.
"So we're bringing in all the beautiful, whimsical, magical, acorbatics, and imagination and dreaming," said Amy Tinkham, the show's director.
If you're a Cirque du Soliel fan and a country music fan, this might be your dream come true. Cat Stone auditioned on Wednesday afternoon.
"Well I've been auditioning for Cirque du Soleil for several years," Stone said. "They recruited me for a few of their shows and I'm a country artist in town so it seemed like okay maybe this one was made for me?"
"When you listen to music, you're having a very personal experience with it," Tinkham said. "And I think we can do that in a different way than what has been done here."
Artists performed three songs as part of the audition.
"I think what this brings to the city is a really great, new form of family entertainment that expresses music," said Tinkham.
Participants are excited not just about the show coming to Nashville, but the potential for Nashville residents to be a part of it.
"It's the best of both worlds, right? It's the passion that I have for production shows like Cirque Du Soleil and then my passion for singing country music," said Stone. "I mean it just seems like a dream."
The show is from July 2 through 28.