

Child Marriage Bill Passes Subcommittee

Posted 9:07 PM, Mar 14, 2018
and last updated 12:24 AM, Mar 15, 2018

The controversial child marriage bill was passed by the the Civil Justice Subcommittee. 

It would end child marriages in Tennessee, which are legal for children under the age of 16 with a judge's consent.

The bill passed with an amendment that would allow 17-year-olds to get married with a number of restrictions. However, if it becomes law, it would make the legal age to marry in Tennessee 18 years old.

Just Last week  the bill was sent to summer session after lawmakers were influenced by a lobbying group who say the bill would interfere with their challenge of the Supreme Courts ruling on same-sex marriage.

However, those lawmakers brought it back when they realized children as young as 10 have been allowed to be married in the state since the year 2001.

The bill's sponsor Rep. Darren Jernigan said he's glad both republicans and democrats were able to collaborate on the bill.

"I think in the end, they come together on an agreement that strengthens marriage and protects children 17 and under. And I think we're at a point now where we can just go right through [committee]," said Jernigan.