

Brentwood army reserve physician aids in COVID-19 battle in Boston

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BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (WTVF) — A Brentwood army reserve physician has been away from her husband and 3 kids since the beginning of April to help with the coronavirus crisis in Boston. It's one of the hardest hit areas in the country. In Massachusetts, there are more than 54 thousand confirmed cases.

Lt. Col. Melinda Henderson says she knows what she signed up for. Two years ago, at the age of 42, she decided to join the army.

Lt. Col. Henderson is a geriatrician, which means she specializes in the health and care of elderly people. This virus is most dangerous for that population.

Henderson has been assigned to Boston Hope Hospital where her specialty has come in handy. Her team is taking care of COVID-19 patients who have rehabilitation needs or need more help getting their chronic medical condition managed before returning home.

"There are lots of conversations we've had with patient to reassure them and help them through this disease," said Henderson.

It isn’t easy being away from family. Henderson doesn’t know when she will be able to return home to Brentwood, but she says her family has been extremely supportive and they know she’s fighting for an important cause.

"They’re proud of me and have been doing everything from sending me letters occasionally or just a quick text to tell me they’re thinking of me or show me video of something they’re doing to keep me connected," Henderson said.

Lt. Col. Henderson comes from a military family. Her father had a 30 year career in the army and her brother was a marine.