

Bill would end ESA law before it takes effect

Posted 4:03 AM, Feb 12, 2020
and last updated 4:03 AM, Feb 12, 2020

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — A bill in Tennessee legislature would end the Education Savings Account law before it takes effect.

Two lawmakers have proposed a bill to end the program, which as been controversial since its creation. It was barely passed through the House and now there's a push to make ESAs go away completely.

Senator Sara Kyle and Representative Bo Mitchell have filed legislation that would essentially delete the ESA program from state law. If it passes, it would do so before the start of the next school year, which is when the governor wants the program to begin.

Senator Kyle and Representative Mitchell are from Memphis and Nashville the two districts that the ESA program is being implemented in first. They say it's just not the right choice for students.

"I am not in favor of the voucher bill. I do not think it works for the students of Tennessee because it takes resources out of our public schools. I think we need to first look at our public school and give them the resources and the structure they need to excel just like any school in the state of Tennessee."

Right now, there's also a lawsuit against the state for starting the ESA plan. Nashville is challenging the constitutionality of the program. Senator Kyle, who represents Memphis said she would not comment on the litigation.