NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF/SCRIPPS) — Could we see Amtrak here in Nashville? It's something President Joe Biden wants to add not only to Music City but also cities across the nation.
Following Biden’s announcement of a $2.2 trillion infrastructure plan, Amtrak released plans for updated service throughout the US. The plan calls on creating 30 new routes, adding more trips on 20 existing routes, and extending service to 160 new communities.

The plan calls on Amtrak service for major cities such as Nashville, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Columbus, and Louisville, which currently don’t have service. Amtrak would also extend services to mid-sized cities such as Green Bay, Wisconsin and Cheyenne, Wyoming.
The plan would connect Las Vegas to Los Angeles, Cleveland to Cincinnati, Atlanta to Nashville, Phoenix to Los Angeles and Tucson and Detroit to Toronto.
By adding Nashville, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Columbus and Louisville, Amtrak would provide service to all of the 30 largest cities in the US.
President Biden is a big fan of Amtrak and adding a service here has been in talks for a long time. In fact, President Biden has pitched $80 billion for Amtrak.
Amtrak says this would all be in place by 2035. CEO Bill Flynn also talked about how it would not only help transportation but create jobs.
“Amtrak has a bold vision to bring energy-efficient, world-class intercity rail service to up to 160 new communities across the nation, as we also invest in our fleet and stations across the U.S,” Amtrak CEO Bill Flynn said. “With this federal investment, Amtrak will create jobs and improve equity across cities, regions, and the entire country – and we are ready to deliver. America needs a rail network that offers frequent, reliable, sustainable and equitable train service. Now is our time, let’s make rail the solution.”
So far, this infrastructure plan isn't getting bipartisan support. Right now, members of the GOP are critical of its price tag.