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How to not waste money on juices


The sad, surprising truth about the juices you buy in grocery stores is that many of them are mostly water or apple juice — no matter what picture is on the bottle or carton. Based on loopholes in the Federal Trade Commission’s advertising regulations, juice marketers can put a large picture of a pomegranate, acai berry, cherry or any other fruit on the label, along with the name of that specific fruit or berry, even though the juice contains almost none of that ingredient.

Knowing what to look when shopping for juices for will help you pick the best ones for yourself and family.

Juice percentage
Some “juices” contains as little as 10 percent of any type of juice. You can tell by looking directly above the nutrition label, where sellers are required to post the percentage of juice that’s in the bottle. Look for “100% Juice” if you want the highest juice content in your drink. If the drink contains words such as “drink,” “ade,” “beverage,” “punch” or “cocktail,” you’re probably not getting a very healthy drink.

What type of juice are you really getting?
Just because the label reads a “100% Juice” doesn’t mean you’re getting 100 percent of the juice pictured on the label, or even close to that. Once you’ve determined how much juice is in the bottle you’re holding, the next thing to do is to read the list of ingredients. By law, juice marketers must list their ingredients based on the amount of each ingredient, starting with the highest content first. You’ll probably be shocked to see how many blueberry, pomegranate and cranberry juices list water or apple juice as the first ingredient, often followed by grape or pear juice.

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