

Zach Adams' Ex-Girlfriend Testifies Against Him

Posted 10:48 PM, Sep 12, 2017
and last updated 12:15 PM, Sep 13, 2017

 It was a relationship initially built on love but it ultimately fell apart because of Zach Adams constant use of methamphetamine, on Tuesday his ex-girlfriend Rebecca Earp told jurors he threatened to tie her up, "just like he did to Holly Bobo." 

Her testimony was the most damning so far in this two day long trial that has already proven to be an emotional roller coaster. On Monday, Holly Bobo's mother Karen collapsed on the witness stand, just moments after being shown the contents of her daughter's purse from the day she disappeared in 2011.

Earp was the 15 witness called by prosecutors who are seeking the death penalty against Zach Adams for his alleged role in the murder, rape and kidnapping of nursing student Holly Bobo.

On the witness stand for more than two hours, Earp's voice quivered, detailing a fight she had with her now ex-boyfriend as she tried to break up with him just days following Holly's abduction. 

"He said he would tie me up jsut like he did Holly Bobo and nobody would ever see me again," Earp told the jury as she was pressed by prosecutors. 

She then recalled being in the same room as Zach the day after Holly went missing, when a story about the case came on the evening news Zach reportedly said, "They'll never be able to find her."

While still not a smoking gun, it is the most concrete evidence prosecutors have offered so far connecting Zach to Holly Bobo's murder. Still defense attorneys tried their best to discredit the statements, pointing out that Earp's story has changed multiple times since first being interviewed by authorities. 

"Your statements have changed over time?" defense attorney Jennifer Thompson said.

"Yes," Earp replied from the witness stand.
Earp also detailed an incident where Adams claimed that he had the remains of Holly Bobo inside of a blue tupperware container but then quickly changed his story telling her that it was "the remnants of meth."

More from Day Two of the Bobo murder trial: 
Bobo Jurors See Crime Scene Photos As Testimony Resumes
PHOTOS: Day Two Of Holly Bobo Murder Trial