

7 Main Takeaways From Autry's Testimony In Bobo Murder Trial

Posted 10:24 PM, Sep 14, 2017
and last updated 1:28 PM, Sep 15, 2017

Jason Autry gave a gruesome testimony during the fourth day of the Holly Bobo murder trial of Zach Adams.

PHOTOS: Day Four Of Holly Bobo Murder Trial

He answered several questions that detectives and Holly's family have asked for years regarding her death, but five things in his testimony stood out.

Timeline: Holly Bobo Murder Trial Day 4

Autry was on the stand for a total seven hours.

WARNING: The testimony includes harsh language and graphic language.

1. Autry said Zach Adams knew of Holly Bobo because Zach had a relationship with Holly's cousin, Natalie Bobo, who was a stripper at a local business. Natalie had allegedly told Zach Holly would be willing to have a threesome with them and had sent Zach pictures of Holly.

2. Autry implicated Holly's brother Clint Bobo, saying Zach Adams told Autry he was at the Bobo home the day she went missing so that he could show Clint how to make meth. He went on to say that when Holly objected, "started screaming and hollering," about it that's when Zach took her into the woods.

3. Autry said his only involvement in Holly's death was when he helped Adams attempt to hide Holly's body.

4. Autry said he saw Adams shoot Bobo during that first attempt to hide her body after Autry saw her leg move and heard her make a sound when they took her out of the truck. The pair allegedly put the body back in the truck and sped away afraid that the sound of the gun drew attention to them.

5. Autry said Adams told him where he put Bobo's body days later. That's when Adams asked Autry to kill Adams' brother, Dylan who was also charged in the case. 

6. Autry said Zach Adams told him Zach and Dylan Adams engaged in incestuous behavior just before Zach and the two other men allegedly raped Holly. Zach was visibly angered and shaken by Autry's comment on the stand.

7. Autry said that almost every time he was with Adams they were doing drugs, meaning both of them were more than likely high during every interaction.